Company: Le Masney Dental Surgery
Address: 30 Merchants Square, Ennis, County Clare,
Telephone: 065 684 2220
Fax No.: No Fax No. to show
Contact Person: No Contact Person to show
Mobile No.: No Mobile No. to show
Email: No Email to show
Website: No Website to show
Description: No Description to show
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WorldLocalBusiness directory is a comprehensive listing of businesses within a specific geographic area or industry. It serves as a centralized resource for individuals seeking information about local businesses.

Classification and organization are crucial aspects of local business directories. They play a significant role in making the directory user-friendly and helping users find the businesses they are looking for quickly and efficiently. Here's how classification and organization work in local business directories:

Categorization: Businesses are categorized based on their industry, products, services, or other relevant criteria. Common categories may include restaurants, hotels, plumbers, electricians, doctors, and more. Each business is assigned to one or more categories that best represent their offerings.

Location-Based Organization: Local business directories often organize businesses according to their geographic location. Users can search for businesses in a specific city, region, or area, helping them find local services easily.

Subcategories: Within broader categories, there might be subcategories that further refine the businesses' offerings. For example, under the "Restaurants" category, there could be subcategories like "Italian Restaurants," "Mexican Restaurants," "Fine Dining," and so on.

Search Functionality: The directory typically provides a search bar where users can enter keywords related to the business they are looking for. The directory's search engine then uses the classification and organization data to return relevant results.

Filters: Users can often apply filters to narrow down their search results. These filters may include distance from their location, customer ratings, opening hours, accepted payment methods, and more.

Featured Listings: Some directories offer businesses the option to have a "featured" or "sponsored" listing. These businesses are highlighted and placed prominently in relevant categories, giving them increased visibility.

User Reviews and Ratings: User reviews and ratings are often integrated into the directory, providing valuable feedback and helping users make informed decisions.

By effectively classifying and organizing businesses, local directories enhance user experience and increase the likelihood of users finding the services or products they need. It's essential for the directory to keep this information accurate and up-to-date to maintain its usefulness and reliability.


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How to find your Desired Place more quickly

posted by admin march 2024

Discover the ultimate solution to locating your desired place with ease using our innovative product. Designed to streamline the search process, our product offers a user-friendly interface and advanced search algorithms, ensuring you find your desired place more quickly than ever before. Whether you're searching for a restaurant, hotel, or any other location, our product provides accurate and efficient results, saving you valuable time and effort. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and frustrating searches, and say hello to a seamless and efficient way of finding your desired place.