Company: C Gallagher Electrical Limited
Address: Cappry, Ballybofey, County Donegal,
Telephone: 074 913 1984
Fax No.: No Fax No. to show
Contact Person: No Contact Person to show
Mobile No.: No Mobile No. to show
Email: No Email to show
Website: No Website to show
Description: No Description to show
Social Media:

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Learn More about how our website works

WorldLocalBusiness directory is a comprehensive listing of businesses within a specific geographic area or industry. It serves as a centralized resource for individuals seeking information about local businesses.

Registration information for each business listing in a local business directory typically includes essential details that help users understand and connect with the business. Here are the common elements found in a business listing:

Business Name: The official name of the business or establishment.

Address: The physical location where the business is situated. This includes the street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country.

Contact Details: Ways for potential customers to get in touch with the business. This usually includes a phone number and an email address. In some cases, the business website and social media profiles may also be provided.

Hours of Operation: The days and times when the business is open for operation. This helps users know when they can visit or contact the business.

Description: A brief summary or overview of the products or services offered by the business. This description allows users to understand what the business specializes in.

Additional Details: Some directories may provide extra information, such as customer reviews and ratings, photos of the business or its offerings, and links to the business's social media profiles or website.

These pieces of information are vital for users as they provide essential context about the business and help users determine if the business meets their needs. Moreover, user reviews and ratings can significantly influence a potential customer's decision-making process, as they provide insights into the quality of products or services offered by the business.

For the directory administrators, maintaining accurate registration information and regularly updating it is essential to ensure that users have access to reliable and up-to-date information about local businesses.


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How to find your Desired Place more quickly

posted by admin march 2024

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